
Ainda o Pescador de Palavras!

Aqui ficam algumas das ilustrações dos alunos da turma E, a propósito do poema.

3 comentários:

pastor disse...

Sao ideias muito brilhantes

Anónimo disse...

just to let you know i´mthinking of youtoday,no matter wahtsituations lifethrows at you.......no matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem.....remembre there is a light at the end of the tunel...............nourddin,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anónimo disse...

just to let you know that i´m thinking of you today...no matter waht situations life throws at you.....no matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem.....remember there is always a light at the end of the tunel......nourddin.....

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